Excerpt with multiple paragraphs Here’s another paragraph in the excerpt.

A few years ago, I graduated with a Bachelor of Design at Ontario College of Art & Design. I like Graphic Design, it is fun but I don’t know if I was ever passionate about it. Finishing a project never left me satisfied. I knew there was something missing but couldn’t figure out quite yet.

What was my next career move?

I became a designer in the product and fashion industry. I also became a Product Manager. I was still unfulfilled. The next role I was going to try was to be a UX Designer. Having a design background. I thought it would be an easy transition.

Then my husband introduced me to Bitmaker Labs, where they were offering a part-time UX course. Since he is a developer himself, he encouraged me to instead go for the 9 weeks coding bootcamp that they offer. I thought he was totally nuts for even suggesting that I could be coding. Anything about coding sounded so complicated and alien. This world seemed so out of my reach.

One of the members at Bitmaker Labs invited me to an interview of Evgeny Tchebotarev, Co-Founder of 500px. During the interview, someone asked him the question:

What advice do you have for front-end developers who want to come and work for you?

I remembered his distinct words clearly:

Designers, you should know how to code and front-end developers, you need to understand the backend.

His words convinced me on my next move.

The very next day, I signed up for a 2 months UX Design course and a 9 weeks Web Development course at Bitmaker Labs. It was a crazy few months ahead of me. On one side, learning everything from Ruby and Rails to Database, Styling, Server, Version Control and the list goes on. And on the other side, learning about microinteractions, user testing and how to conduct user interviews. It was a brand new world that was about to unravel.


I have now been a Full Stack Developer & UX Designer for a year. And I can truly say that it gives me the greatest satisfaction when I am solving a bug, creating a product or a feature from scratch.

I love everything from designing layouts, to coding, to A/B testing and obtaining the feedback from users. I’m so excited to finally found my true passion. I’m looking forward to much more.